Thursday 18 October 2012

Money, Who Knows Best?

Who are the experts, the
Stock Exchange, the
Banks or you?
The world around us changes all of the time, and the world of finance is no different.

In fact sometimes it changes so fast even the experts cannot keep up! But who are the experts, and what do they really know?

Some people think banks are the experts, some think its the government, whilst some think they know all the answers themselves.

In reality its a combination of everyone's opinions and ideas that are used to make important financial decisions. This is the case for everyone from Governments, to large companies, schools and even every single one of you!

A lot of decisions you make in life can be made using the knowledge gained by others. The best bit is, you can copy the part that went well, and learn from the mistakes that didn't quite work out. We never stop learning, even as adults.

Study what others have done before, and ask yourself what you would you have done differently?

It is important to point out though, that what is right for one person, isn't necessarily going to be right for everyone. There are lots of different options to every situation, which means there are lots of different outcomes too.

Lets take pocket money, as an example. If you are lucky enough to get it, some of you will spend it straight away, some of you will save it, whilst some of you may even give it away!

As you get older, it becomes clear that there are more and more demands on your money, such as taxes, bills and having fun. For most of us though, there is only one way to get money, and that is to earn it. Jobs are hard work, and if you are working hard to earn money, it is important to spend it wisely and look after it carefully......and that starts right NOW!

It is never too early to start learning responsible money management.

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